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作者: 佚名来源: 网络文章 时间: 2022-02-15



舞龙dragon/ loong dance (loong是中国龙的专用词)


Saw a wonderful lion dance performances.

Afternoon, nearly four points when. My brother and I are on the table game homework. Suddenly, out came a burst of drums sound. Good sounding familiar, but can not remember. The side of the mother seems to know, "is the voice of the lion dance?" Mom went out. Went to the window, "really is a lion dance came." Her words are not falling, my brother and I ran out.

We came to the lion dance group next to it. I glanced lion dance group, only two dozen people. Some of them in the drums, some watching, some in the guides. Their clothes are yellow. I ran to keep up with the lion dance group. Only two lions, a red one yellow, red is a public, yellow or female, as a couple. They played out in the middle of the road, you next to me, I am next to you.

Gradually, people become increased, applause becomes multiplied. In a sea of people, I can not help but laugh together. I am afraid of being pushed back, quickly forced to squeeze, desperately crowded, and finally, I pushed my way to the front. I looked back. Ah, the man of the sea, there is a high and one low waves, there are different kinds of fish. That height order, That beautiful waves, the color of the man's clothes, colorful, just like the beautiful and different colors of fish. I looked forward, and that two beautiful lions playing in the crowd, performing it really realistic ah! That two lions like real lions, jump forward. Then the audience responded with warm applause to welcome the lion.

Then welcome the Lion Dance Troupe of firecrackers sounded lovemaking also came. That coupled with lively applause firecrackers, drums sound, three-one, was deafening. In a store front stopped. Here is probably the lion dance it! Really not what I expected. Two lions in front of this store performers danced together. Hop hop in front of the shop, as if for the New Year like a shopkeeper. Start wins something, and in this mall lintel hanged himself two oranges and a cabbage, hanging from a red envelope. Two lions looked at the bird Red Lion first step, suddenly erect, moment, Cook it Eat entrance with a red envelope, and then suddenly squatted on the ground, turned into a sit lion. For a while and it was beautiful wife on the ground walking, strutted in front of the audience. Then again, the audience responded with warm applause called "good." While that to a distant place, and that two lions began to go. Suddenly farewell Lion Dance firecrackers rang. As I am unfamiliar with the place, it is not with go.好大的两条龙。那龙头硕大而威严,龙须飘动,目光如炬,真有一种“神龙”的感觉。两条龙都有二十几米长,舞龙的叔叔都身强体壮。他们身穿黄色对 襟衣,灯笼裤,腰扎红色绸带,头裹黄布,高举舞龙杆,兴高采烈地舞动着,看得我们眼花缭乱。












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