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作者: 佚名来源: 网络文章 时间: 2022-02-18







岁月如同指缝间流过的细沙,在不经意间悄然滑落,恰似你给予我那恍若隔世的温柔,宛若宋代佚名画中廊外的花儿,在时光中慢慢湮开。是你陪伴着我一路走过童年,少年,走过人生中的青葱岁月,是你,亲爱的妈妈,是你让我如此美丽! 目光中的草鞋 曾忆得儿时,我缠着你想要一双草鞋。你笑着应允了。几天后的晚上,你给了我一双金黄的草鞋。我当时惊喜地叫着,笑着,穿上草鞋出门找朋友们玩耍。你便在我身后,默默地望着我,我跳跃的身影在你的瞳孔中清晰,真切。我在目光中跑着,满地都是细细的月光,似是一条盈盈的涓涓细流,在我的鞋底安静地流淌着。我一会儿看看天,一会儿看看鞋,一会看着地上的月光,渐渐地分不清那地上金黄的,哪儿是月光,哪儿是我的草鞋了。我似乎幻化成了一尾小鱼,自在地游动在月光水流之中。伙伴们见了,无不叫道:“你今晚真美!”我喜滋滋地笑了,你见了我的笑,也笑了。可我不曾想过,你是如何辛劳,在几乎见不着草鞋的时代,为满足我内心小小的愿望而努力。那夜,我记得真切。亲爱的妈妈,是你,让我如此美丽。 阳光下的花儿 进了初中,我时常因不适应新生活而烦恼。你便带我到阳台,让我看阳光下点点吐翠落芳的花儿。你教我浇花。你哼着歌,提了一壶水,将那壶儿一斜,清澈的水流直往花盆中去了。你的眼里满映着清水闪闪的光和盈盈笑意。阳光斜斜地打在你身上,花儿也皆有了情意。一瞬间,我明白你要教给我的,不是浇花,而是淡然面对生活,豁达的心态。从那之后,我笑对生活,以平和的心态待人处事。周边的人都夸:“你似乎美丽了不少!”而我知道,那都是因为你,亲爱的妈妈,是你让我如此美丽。 哦,亲爱的妈妈,那些你给予我的,我都记得,一路上,你让我如此美丽,却又不求回报。如今,你已渐渐无力,你新生的华发,扯得我的心生疼。妈妈,你让我如此美丽,竭尽了你毕生的心血,现在,我们换一换吧,我将用我的力量保护你,伴随你走过中年,老年,我要你同我一样,同我一样美丽! 点评:文章以“岁月”为线索,具体安排“目光中的草鞋”“阳光下的花儿”二个部分展开叙述,角度新颖,线索分明。文章既见事又见人,突出了妈妈和“我”的双向之爱。作者注重细节描写,让纯真的爱意流淌在字里行间,于是,那一缕缕清新诱人的馨香也永远地沁入读者的心脾……




Waking up I see that everything is ok

睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演

The first time in my life and now it's so great


Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed

放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊艳

I think about the little things that make life great


I wouldn't change a thing about it


This is the best feeling


This innocence is brilliant,

这份纯真 如此迷人

I hope that it will stay


This moment is perfect,


please don't go away,


I need you now


And I'll hold on to it,


don't you let it pass you by


I found a place so safe, not a single tear

这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼

The first time in my life and now it's so clear


Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here

不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园

It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere


I wouldn't change a thing about it


This is the best feeling


This innocence is brilliant,

这份纯真 如此迷人

I hope that it will stay


This moment is perfect,


please don't go away,


I need you now


And I'll hold on to it,


don't you let it pass you by


It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming


It's the happiness inside that you're feeling


It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry


It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming


It's the happiness inside that you're feeling


It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry


It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry


This innocence is brilliant,

这份纯真 如此灿烂

it makes you want to cry


This innocence is brilliance,

这份纯真 如此珍贵

please don't go away


Cause I need you now


And I'll hold on to it,


don't you let it pass you by


This innocence is brilliant,

这份纯真 如此迷人

I hope that it will stay


This moment is perfect,


please don't go away,


I need you now


And I'll hold on to it,


don't you let it pass you by


歌手:Avril Lavigne

所属专辑:The Best Damn Thing


Waking up I see that everything is ok


The first time in my life and now it's so great


Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed


I think about the little things that make life great


I wouldn't change a thing about it


This is the best feeling


This innocence is brilliant


I hope that it will stay


This moment is perfect


please don't go away

这个时刻是完美的, 请不要走开, 此刻我需要你

I need you now

纯真是美好的, 我希望永远保持下去

And I'll hold on to it


don't you let it pass you by


I found a place so safe not a single tear

我发现一个安全的地方, 没有一滴眼泪

The first time in my life and now it's so clear


Feel calm I belong I'm so happy here

感到属於我的平静, 我很高兴在此

It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere

感觉如此强烈, 我让自己变得真诚

I wouldn't change a thing about it


This is the best feeling


This innocence is brilliant


I hope that it will stay


This moment is perfect


please don't go away

这个时刻是完美的, 请不要走开, 此刻我需要你

I need you now

纯真是美好的, 我希望永远保持下去

And I'll hold on to it


don't you let it pass you by


It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming


It's the happiness inside that you're feeling


It's so beautiful,it makes you wanna cry


It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming


It's the happiness inside that you're feeling


It's so beautiful,it makes you wanna cry


It's so beautiful,it makes you want to cry


This innocence is brilliant

纯真是美好的, 我希望永远保持下去

it makes you want to cry


This innocence is brilliance

纯真是美好的, 我希望永远保持下去

please don't go away


Cause I need you now

请不要走开, 此刻我需要你

And I'll hold on to it


don't you let it pass you by


This innocence is brilliant


I hope that it will stay


This moment is perfect


please don't go away

这个时刻是完美的, 请不要走开, 此刻我需要你

I need you now

纯真是美好的, 我希望永远保持下去

And I'll hold on to it


don't you let it pass you by

你也不要错过它★中文歌词: 醒来发现一切都好 生命中第一次 现在真的很好 我静下来看看四周 非常吃惊 回想那些 让生活精彩的小事情 我不会做任何改变 这种感觉最棒 这种纯真实在太妙 我希望它能够留下 这个时刻太完美 请不要离去 我现在需要你 我会始终坚持 别让它悄悄溜走 我找到一处安全的地方 一滴泪也没有 生命中第一次 现在如此清晰 在这里我很平静 在这里我很高兴 这种感觉如此强烈 现在让我真诚起来 我不会做任何改变 这种感觉最棒 这种纯真实在太妙 我希望它能够留下 这个时刻太完美 请不要离去 我现在需要你 我会始终坚持 别让它悄悄溜走 这是你梦寐以求的极乐状态 这是你感觉到的心中的幸福 它实在太美 让你想哭泣 这是你梦寐以求的极乐状态 这是你感觉到的心中的幸福 它实在太美 让你想哭泣 它实在太美 让你想哭泣 这种纯真实在太妙 以致你想要哭 这种纯真太美妙 请不要离去 因为我现在需要你 我会始终坚持 别让它悄悄溜走 这种纯真实在太妙 我希望它能够留下 这个时刻太完美 请不要离去 我现在需要你 我会始终坚持 别让它悄悄溜走 ★英文歌词: waking up i see that everything is ok the first time in my life and now it's so great slowing down i look around and i am so amazed i think about the little things that make life great i wouldn't change a thing about it this is the best feeling this innocence is brilliant, i hope that it will stay this moment is perfect, please don't go away, i need you now and i'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by i found a place so safe, not a single tear the first time in my life and now it's so clear feel calm i belong, i'm so happy here it's so strong and now i let myself be sincere i wouldn't change a thing about it this is the best feeling this innocence is brilliant, i hope that it will stay this moment is perfect, please don't go away, i need you now and i'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by it's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming it's the happiness inside that you're feeling it's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry it's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming it's the happiness inside that you're feeling it's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry it's so beautiful it makes you want to cry this innocence is brilliant, it makes you want to cry this innocence is brilliance, please don't go away cause i need you now and i'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by this innocence is brilliant, i hope that it will stay this moment is perfect, please don't go away, i need you now and i'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by我也很喜欢这首歌,每天睡前必听!Innocence

Waking up I see that everything is ok睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演

The first time in my life and now it's so great我的生活从未如此美好呈现

Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊艳

I think about the little things that make life great那些让生活美好的细节我开始看见

I think about the little things that make life great那些让生活美好的细节我开始看见

I wouldn't change a thing about it我不会让它改变

This is the best feeling这感觉毫无缺陷

This innocence is brilliant

这份纯真 如此迷人

I hope that it will stay我希望它留存

This moment is perfect


please don't go away,请就此停顿

I need you now


And I'll hold on to it,

我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by


I found a place so safe, not a single tear这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼

The first time in my life and now it's so clear


Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here

不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园

It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere强烈的震撼现在我让自己变得诚虔

I wouldn't change a thing about it


This is the best feeling这感觉毫无缺陷

This innocence is brilliant,

这份纯真 如此迷人

I hope that it will stay


This moment is perfect,


please don't go away,请就此停顿

I need you now


And I'll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by

别让它从你身边溜走It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming


It's the happiness inside that you're feeling


It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming


It's the happiness inside that you're feeling


It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然

It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry


This innocence is brilliant,

这份纯真 如此灿烂

it makes you want to cry

令你不禁泪眼潸然This innocence

is brilliance,

这份纯真 如此珍贵please don't go away请不要消退

Cause I need you now因为现在是我需要你的时候

And I'll hold on to it,

我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by

别让它从你身边溜走This innocence is brilliant,

这份纯真 如此迷人

I hope that it will stay我希望它留存

This moment is perfect,


please don't go away,请就此停顿

I need you now


And I'll hold on to it,

我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by.Waking up I see that everything is ok醒来发现一切都好

The first time in my life生命中第一次

and now it's so great现在真的很好

Slowing down I look around我静下来看看四周

and I am so amazed非常吃惊

I think about the little things回想那些

that make life great让生活精彩的小事情

I wouldn't change a thing about it我不会做任何改变

This is the best feeling这种感觉最棒

This innocence is brilliant这种纯真实在太妙

I hope that it will stay我希望它能够留下

This moment is perfect这个时刻太完美

please don't go away请不要离去

I need you now我现在需要你

And I'll hold on to it我会始终坚持

don't you let it pass you by别让它悄悄溜走

I found a place so safe我找到一处安全的地方

not a single tear一滴泪也没有

The first time in my life生命中第一次

and now it's so clear现在如此清晰

Feel calm I belong在这里我很平静

I'm so happy here在这里我很高兴

It's so strong这种感觉如此强烈

and now I let myself be sincere现在让我真诚起来

I wouldn't change a thing about it我不会做任何改变

This is the best feeling这种感觉最棒

This innocence is brilliant这种纯真实在太妙

I hope that it will stay我希望它能够留下

This moment is perfect这个时刻太完美

please don't go away请不要离去

I need you now我现在需要你

And I'll hold on to it我会始终坚持

don't you let it pass you by别让它悄悄溜走

It's the state of bliss you think

you're dreaming 这是你梦寐以求的极乐状态

It's the happiness inside

hat you're feeling这是你感觉到的心中的幸福

It's so beautiful它实在太美

it makes you wanna cry让你想哭泣

It's the state of bliss you think

you're dreaming这是你梦寐以求的极乐状态

It's the happiness inside

that you're feeling这是你感觉到的心中的幸福

It's so beautiful它实在太美

it makes you wanna cry让你想哭泣

It's so beautiful这实在太美了

it makes you want to cry以致你想要哭

This innocence is brilliant这种纯真实在太妙

it makes you want to cry以致你想要哭

This innocence is brilliance这种纯真太美妙

please don't go away请不要离去

Cause I need you now因为我现在需要你

And I'll hold on to it我会始终坚持

don't you let it pass you by别让它悄悄溜走

This innocence is brilliant这种纯真实在太妙

I hope that it will stay我希望它能够留下

This moment is perfect这个时刻太完美

please don't go away请不要离去

I need you now我现在需要你

And I'll hold on to it会始终坚持

don't you let it pass you by别让它悄悄溜走Innocence 歌曲介绍

歌 名:Innocence

歌 手:Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿·拉维妮)专 辑:《The Best Damn Thing》歌 词:InnocenceWaking up I see this everything is ok睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演The first time in my life and now it's so great我的生活从未如此美好呈现Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊讶I think about the little things that make life great那些让生活美好的细节我开始看见I wouldn't change a thing about it我不会让它改变This is the best feeling这感觉毫无缺陷This innocence is brilliant,这份纯真 如此迷人I hope that it will stay我希望它留存This moment is perfect,完美的一瞬please don't go away,请就此停顿I need you now现在是我需要你的时候And I'll hold on to it,我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走I found a place so safe, not a single tear这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼The first time in my life and now it's so clear我的生活从未如此清晰呈现Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere强烈的震撼现在我让自己变得虔诚I wouldn't change a thing about it我不会让它改变This is the best feeling这感觉毫无缺陷This innocence is brilliant,这份纯真 如此迷人I hope that it will stay我希望它留存This moment is perfect,完美的一瞬please don't go away,请就此停顿I need you now现在是我需要你的时候And I'll hold on to it,我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻It's the happiness inside that you're feeling而你真切感到幸福的浸染It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻It's the happiness inside that you're feeling而你真切感到幸福的浸染It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然This innocence is brilliant,这份纯真 如此灿烂it makes you want to cry令你不禁泪眼潸然This innocence is brilliance,这份纯真 如此珍贵please don't go away请不要消退Cause I need you now因为现在是我需要你的时候And I'll hold on to it,我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走This innocence is brilliant,这份纯真 如此迷人I hope that it will stay我希望它留存This moment is perfect,完美的一瞬please don't go away,请就此停顿I need you now现在是我需要你的时候And I'll hold on to it,我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走


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